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to be是什么意思

2024-11-25 来源:互联网转载

to be的中文翻译是存在、成为和是的意思,后可以跟形容词、副词和名词。例如:You can depend of him to be there.你可以相信他一定会在那。

to be相关短语

to be or not to be 放在上下文里有很多意思,成或不成,活着或者毁灭,等等

to be an ordinary man 做一个普通的男人

to be better 更好

to be or not to be

born to be a star 天生就是个明星

dare to be different敢于不同

to be with you和你一起

to be loved被爱

to be number one 做/成为第一

to be honest 诚实

to be adrift 漂流

to be at heck and manger生活安定富足

to be declared policy暂保单

to be frank with you坦白地说

to be plain with you坦白地说

to be hot/warm天气热

TAG:to be

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