fire hydrant
n.消防栓; 消防龙头
消防栓;消防龙头a pipe in the street through which water can be sent using a pump in order to put out fires or to clean the streets
消防栓;消防龙头A fire hydrant is a pipe in the street from which fire fighters can obtain water for putting out a fire.
On every floor there is a fire hydrant. 每个楼层都有消火栓。
Those who bury, occupy fire hydrant or occupy fire prevention space, block fire control passageway, or damage and arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop use fire control facilities and devices; 埋压、圈占消火栓或者占用消防间距、堵塞消防通道的,或者损坏和擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材的;
Once upon a time, relief from summer in the city meant a vandalized fire hydrant or a snooze on the fire escape. 很久以前,城市里的夏季避暑方法就是故意破坏消防龙头,或者在安全出口打个盹。
Analysis of Common Problems in Determination of Arrangement Distance of Indoor Fire Hydrant 确定室内消火栓布置间距的常见问题分析
Design and Calculation for Water Supply System of Fire Hydrant in High-rise Building 高层建筑室内消火栓给水系统设计计算
If fire hydrant boxes are found broken glass song, door locks and handles worse; 发现消火栓箱的玻璃松破、箱门门锁及拉手坏;
Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter. 黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。
Operating range of water systems categories: fire box system, a variety of pump adapter, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, wet alarm valve, water flow indicator, sprinkler head. 经营范围有水系统类:消火栓箱系统,各种水泵接合器,室内外消火栓,湿式报警阀,水流指示器,喷淋头。
That incongruous sight was soon eclipsed by a gushing fire hydrant and phalanxes of neighbors pushing brooms to work the water and dirt down the street. 消防水龙头喷出大水,邻居们组成方阵,挥着扫把将水和灰尘顺着街道扫过去,原来那种不和谐的景象很快消失了。
A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant. 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来。
The existing fire hydrant near Block B should not be obstructed by the hoarding. 临时围栏不得妨碍B座附近的消防栓。
Design a new outdoor fire hydrant, fire hydrants in the compound have been adopted in the multi-screw mechanism, the traditional fire hydrant to the transformation of the structure. 设计了一种新型室外消防栓,在消防栓中采用了复式螺纹机构,对传统的消防栓的结构进行了改造。
As for the fire hydrant leaking, Zhao said the captain will contact the water company for repairs. 至于消防栓漏水,赵队长表示会联系自来水公司进行检修。
The fire brigade inspectors in the area, a video game for the city fire inspection, we found that the video game City of sprinkler system is not installed, the indoor fire hydrant water. 该消防大队检查人员在对辖区一电玩城进行消防监督检查时,发现该电玩城未安装自动喷水系统,室内消防栓无水。
The fire hydrant is an original one from Tokyo. 消火栓是从东京的原之一。
Thank you. I heard, and frankly fire hydrant, I don't think it's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido. 谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹淘气包,这并不好笑,也不适当。
This is mainly to prevent the use of fire hydrant, a water overflow so the water tanks and fire hydrants, water charged fire injuries ( accidents that injured from time to time). 这主要是防止使用消火栓时,有水溢出使消火栓箱及水、水枪带电伤及消防队员。
During rush hour, he saw a car veer off the road and slam into a fire hydrant. 在交通高峰时,他看到一辆车在马路上转弯,撞到消防栓。
Multifunction outdoor fire hydrant for industry is special equipment for fire-fighting water supply, which integrates the function of water monitor and the hydrant. 多功能室外工业消火栓是一种集消防炮和室外地上消火栓功能于一体的消防供水专用设备。
The emergency of running water and fire hydrant, made epoch-making changes in fire water; 自来水与消火栓的出现,使消防水源发生了划时代的巨变;
Fire due to fire hydrant water, and pipe network under pressure down to a pressure P1 when the value of P4, start the main fire pumps supply water to meet fire safety requirements and pressures. 消防时,因消火栓出水量大,管网压力下降到P1以下某个压力值P4时,启动主消防水泵供给满足消防要求的用水量和压力。
Fire in the implementation process, did not start the fire pump link, if the protective hoses connected to the fire hydrant on the implementation of fire immediately. 在实施消防过程中,没有再启动消防水泵的环节,防护人员只要把水龙带接在消火栓上,就立即实施灭火。
The firefighters of the military police will come to teach us how to use a fire hydrant this afternoon. 武警消防支队的战士们下午将来教我们使用消防栓。
The driver is ticket for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。
Tall Building Fire Hydrant Water Supply System forms of identification, automatic sprinkler system water forms of identification, sprinkler layout and hydraulic calculation; 高层建筑消火栓给水系统给水方式的确定,自动喷水灭火系统给水方式的确定、喷头布置及水力计算;
I'll be right down, fire hydrant. Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph. 我马上下来,消防栓。告诉妈妈,我马上就写完这一段。
You cannot chain your alligator to a fire hydrant. 你不可以将鳄鱼拴在消防龙头上。
At no time is there parking next to a fire hydrant. 决不要将车停放在消防栓旁。
Where you act like you're kicking a fire hydrant and then you check to see if anyone notices that you're mad. 这里你做得好像你在踢一个消防栓,然后你查看是否有人注意到你在生气。
an upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire
TAG:a fire hydrant
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